Teaching |
Since 2008, Lydia Danglot has been invited speaker in 7 Universities & higher education institutions in France and Belgium concerning master and doctoral school programs in Neuroscience and Cell biology :
- University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris 6
- University Paris Diderot, Paris 7
- University Paris Descartes, Paris 5
- Faculty of Medicine Paris 12
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
- University of Namur, (Belgium).
Courses |
• Master2 of Neurosciences - UE Synapse and synaptogenesis (code UE : NB019)
Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6) - Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris:
"Theorical course" on Neuronal polarity. Planning
Presentation of the hippocampal neuron system in culture, polarity, domains (axon vs somatodendritic), maturation stage, actine instability, microtubules polymerization, membrane growth, export and sorting of synaptic proteins, ...
From 2008 to 2015 |

Master2- Paris 6
Neuronal polarity
• Master2 of Neurosciences - UE Cellular Communication (code UE : MBIP5003) - Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris 6):
"Theorical course" on SNAREs proteins and exocytosis.
Presentation of the different processes of membrane fusion, constitutive and evoked exocytosis, historical discovery of the NSF and SNARE proteins, classification of SNARE proteins (vesicular and target SNARE), calcium sensors synaptotagmins, Munc13 and Munc18, ...
From 2008 to 2015

Master2- Paris 6
SNARE Proteins and exocytosis.
• Master2 of Genetic - Paris Diderot University (Paris 7),
UE Developmental & Cellular Neurobiology.
"Theorical course" on Hippocampal developement and synaptogenesis: presentation of the SNC (forebrain, hindbrain,...), presentation of telecenphalon and hippocampus, development of hippocampus, migration of excitatory & inhibitory neurons, model of dissociated hippocampal neurons in culture, neuronal polarity, synapse formation.

Master2- Paris 7
Hippocampal development and synaptogenesis
Download |
• Master2 Biologie Cellulaire et Physiologie Pathologies - Module Normal & pathological Development of the nervous system- Paris Diderot University (Paris7) :
"Theorical course" on Development and plasticity of the Synapse :
Presentation of the model of dissociated hippocampal neurons in culture, neuronal polarity, recycling of the synaptic vesicles, synapse formation, spine shape and morphogenesis, memory and plasticity.
From 2014 to 2015

Master2- Paris 7
Developement and plasticityof the Synapse
• Doctoral school of Frontières du Vivant (Universités Paris V, VI, VII) - Club Neurobiology & Optics :
Use and diversity of fluorescent proteins in Neuroscience.
Presentation of the various fluorescent proteins used in Neuroscience, from the classical Green fluorescent protein (GFP), to corals variants,and photoactivable or photoswichable versions. How to transfect neuronal cells: lipofection, calcium phosphate, electroporation, biolistic (genegun), ....

Doctorat-Paris 5, 6, 7
Fluorescent proteins in Neuroscience
• Master2 of Tissular cellular Biotherapy and GeneticHenri Mondor Faculty of Medicine (University Paris 12),
1.Mutant animals: identifications, breeding, analysis.
Presentation of the Jackson laboratory, the CDTA and the Emma. Breeding strategy, congenic strains, genetic background, backcross.
From 2009 to 2015
2.Models in psychiatry: addiction, schizophrenia, ADHD and anxiety.
On the use and actions of neuroleptics. Schizophrenia symptoms and dopaminergic systems. Invalidation of the DAT transporter in the DAT KO.Addiction to cocain, Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder, lateralization, Memory and plasticity.
From 2009 to 2015 |

Mutant animals

Models in psychiatry
• Master1 of Biology - Ecole Normale Supérieure (PARIS),
UE From neuron to system. "Theorical course" on Exocytosis machinery.
Introduction to exocytosis and vesicle recycling in neurons. Presentation of the SNARE proteins (vesicular and target SNARE), the calcium sensors synaptotagmins, and the SNARE partners and regulatory proteins (Munc13 and Munc18, ... ).
From 2008 to 2015

Master1- ENS- N2
Exocytosis Machinery
• Master1 - Namur University- Belgium,
Master of Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology.
SNARE, Exocytosis and trafic.
Presentation of the SNARE complexe, fusion and recycling process, physiopathological models.
From 2013 to 2015 |

Master1- Namur
SNARE, Exocytosis and traffic.
Practicals and Tutorials
• Master2 of Genetic - Paris Diderot University (Paris 7),
UE Developmental & Cellular Neurobiology.
"Practical courses in imagery": epifluorescence microcopy, optic tract, presentation of dichroic filters, image aquisition. Measure of exocytosis (FM1-43) by video-microscopy.
• Licence 3 of Biology - Ecole Normale Supérieure, UE Cell Biology and Development. Tutorials of cell biology : Imaging tecnics in membrane traffic : examples of the golgi apparatus, role of the SNARE and rab proteins in targeting and fusion. technics: epifluorescence microscopy, confocal, spining disc, frap,...
IJM BioInfo Club |
This BioInfo club brings together scientists from the Institut Jacques Monod who wants to develop their bioinformatics skills. We meet once a week and follow the chapters from the book Practical computings for biologists written by Haddock and Dunn.
- Introduction to Python programming module, BioInformatic club, IJM, University Paris-Diderot. Download
- Introduction to Pixel based Images and vector art, BioInformatic club, IJM, University Paris-Diderot. Download
- On the use of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to generate scientific figures, BioInformatic club, IJM, University Paris-Diderot. Download

Modules in Python

Pixelized & vectorial pictures

Creating Illustrations with Illustrator Photoshop & InDesign