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Life Science & Imaging  



Scientific Animations in Cell Biology

In the field of cell biology, Lydia Danglot has been elected treasurer of the club exocytosis endocytosis (http://exoendo.u-strasbg.fr/presentation.html) since 2013.
The exocytosis-endocytosis Club is an non-profit association pursuant to the French 1901 law, which is sponsored by the Society for Neuroscience and the Society of Cell Biology France.
Club exocytosis-endocytosis aims to:

  • To promote the development of scientific research in all fields concerning the exocytosis and endocytosis.
  • To promote exchanges between French researchers, including the organization of symposia.
  • Ensure the dissemination of knowledge in the field of exocytosis and endocytosis and contribute to the continuous improvement of the scientific and technical level and quality of education in this area.
  • Promote exchanges and collaboration at national and international level.

Since 2013, Lydia Danglot takes care of managing cash flows and participates each year in the organization of the national meeting gathering 100 to 120 researchers in the field. To minimize costs and allow more participation, part of expenses is supported by the club through intensive research sponsors. Lydia Danglot manages donnations sponsors, the inscription of all candidates and the rest of tresorery functions.

In 2015, she organized a international satellite symposium of the French Neuroscience Meeting in Montpellier on "intracellular trafficking in neurons" with for guests:

  - Carlos Dotti
- Mike Fainzilber
- Michelli Matteoli

Scientific Animations in Imaging and microscopy


Lydia Danglot has a strong involvement in advanced microscopy techniques. She is a member of the Board of the CNRS National Research Group on Microscopy and Imaging of the Lifing (GdR MIV) gathering more than 100 laboratories and facilities involved in technology development in microscopy for biology.
The purpose of the GdR is to promote the sharing of expertise between research teams, to unite teams of different disciplines and promote the sharing of resources and skills between these teams in order to develop new strategies in microscopy of the living. It brings together biology, physics, chemistry, image processing, computer science and applied mathematics. We regularly organizes thematic meetings and trainings around the microscopy of living. Notably in 2013: thematic actions on super-resolution microscopies, image analysis, wave control (adaptive optics, wave fronts, sound waves, ultrasound) and the thematic school Functional Microscopy of the Living (MiFoBio).

During Mifobio 2014, she organized the teaching Module on super-resolution "N anoscopyand molecular organization of the living "
Powerpoint Presentation and movies available on the GDR website when logged in as a member.

  • Suliana Manley (PALM, from the fundamentals to rapid, automated and robust imaging). EPFL – Laboratoire de biophysique expérimentale – Lausanne
    Ppt and movie available in /MIFOBIO2014/MODULES/M1-Manley.pdf
  • Laurent Groc (Single particle imaging in living). Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, Université de Bordeaux, CNRS UMR 5297.
    Ppt and movie available in /MIFOBIO2014/MODULES/M1-Groc.pdf
  • Gael Moneron (STED Microscopy: Principle, practical aspects and applications). Institut Pasteur -Paris.
    Ppt and movie available in /MIFOBIO2014/MODULES/M1-Moneron.pdf
  • Mike Heilemann (Quantitative single-molecule super-resolution microscopy of cellular structures). Goethe-University Frankfurt, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Frankfurt, German.
    Ppt and movie available in /MIFOBIO2014/MODULES/M1-Heilemann.pdf
  • Lothar Schermelleh (Superresolution imaging of nuclear organisation with 3D Structured Illumination Microscop). Université d’Oxford, biochemistry Dpt, Oxford. Ppt and movie available in /MIFOBIO2014/MODULES/M1-Schermelleh.pdf
  • Maxime Dahan (Optical schemes for 3D single-molecule imaging: application to tracking and super-resolution microscopy). Laboratoire Physico-Chimie, Institut Curie - Paris.
    Ppt and movie available in /MIFOBIO2014/MODULES/M1-Dahan.pdf
Atelier She also organized two practical workshops sessions on: "From Microscope to analysis of nerve cells: mosaic and 3D imaging of neurons in culture and deep tissue, Applications in STED microcopy on dendritic spines (Workshop A24).
Download presention after login on the GDR website:
Section mifobio-2014/documents-et-supports/ateliers-2014/

Concerning Mifobio 2016,she is organizing a module dedicated to "Imaging in neurosciences (from brain to synapse using multiscale approaches).

FBI Lydia Danglot was elected National Coordinator of the user committee of the France Bio Imaging Infrastructure and she is involved in several working groups on the super-resolution and image processing.

Scientific Animations in Neuroscience

cerveau Lydia Danglot is part of the Brain Awareness Week Committee dedicated to raising public awareness about the progress and benefits of brain research.

The brain week is an international action to promote brain research among the general public. The brain week o is organized each year in March in more than 30 French cities. Lydia Danglot organizes the development of workshop and seminars and she is the webmaster of the website describing all the animations every year in Paris and throughout the Ile de France:http://www.semaineducerveau.fr/2016/Paris/paris/Paris.html.
Each year the website has about thirty webpages web describing all the activities corresponding to 10 000 lines of code and 380 illustrations. The establishment of the website requires close collaboration with all stakeholders, laboratories and organizing partners to identify and organize all the information.




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